Unified Online-learning Library
A manual of the UOSLib intention and functionality appeared at the 23. Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Dortmund in 2013.

Buschermoehle, A. and Huelsmann, J. and Brockmann, W.: UOSLib – A Library for Analysis of Online-Learning Algorithms. In: Proc. 23. Workshop on Computational Intelligence, Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing, 2013, pp. 355-369

The bibtex format for citations:

    title={UOSLib – A Library for Analysis of Online-Learning Algorithms},
    author={Buschermoehle, A. and Huelsmann, J. and Brockmann, W.},
    booktitle={Proc. 23. Workshop Computational Intelligence},
    publisher={KIT Scientific Publishing},
The source files are devided into two groups, namely the basic framework and specific learning algorithms which are located in the subdirectories src and algorithms, respectively.
To get started, the main file is icl_base which can either be run as a script for single experiments or run as a function for automatic evaluations. The top of icl_base contains all setups necessary to get started, to run a single learning task:
Additionally, optional setups currently not available as function parameters (for specific investigations/methods) are:
Learning Algorithms