Unified Online-learning Library
UOSLIB is currently available in version 1.6 for Matlab under the license GPLv3. UOSLIB is free software; you can use it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. UOSLIB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful for studies and research work on learning systems. But it comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
V 1.6
- extended and refactored interface of icl_base to allow for complete setup of learning algorithms and model structures
- added possibility to use IRMA with zero stiffness
- fixed minor bug in IRMA initialization
- added a new drift dataset for changing targets

V 1.5
- added more learning algorithms: Perceptron, IRMA
- extended GLTs to be of any dimensionality and to arbitrarily partition the inputs
- added a new 1D polynomial and 3D linear dataset

V 1.4
- changed main function to be callable from another script and making it executable on its own at the same time
- added more learning algorithms: PA-I, PA-II, AROW, GH (with full, exact, drop, project variants), CW

V 1.3
- added support for saving parameter development
- added option to choose learning algorithm through a variable method - the learning algorithm is identified by adding the method-identifier to icl_initILS_ and icl_learn_
- included PA and RLS as learning algorithms

V 1.2
- added initialization routine for ILS - now every learning method can initialize further parameters in this routine
- added two new generators: relearning and spiral loop

V 1.1 b
- fixed polynomial generator, now only one offset term is added to the phi-vector regardless of the dimension

V 1.1 a
- fixed downwards compatibility of seeding of random number generator, using the old style seeding now to achieve exactly the same results in every Matlab version

V 1.1
- fixed crossedridge-generator to generate output values in [-1 1]
- added two new generators: highdimlin, highdimnonlin
- fixed random number seed to be the same at every run for rand and randn
- added examples for structural initialization
- added examples for parameter initialization

V 1.0 a
- added common basis of approximator

V 1.0
- initial framework release